Forum > Staff Applications

SkittlezTheCool's Moderator Application :3


Moderator Application:

What experience do you have moderating/admin/gamemastering?: I Have been Playing MC Since Beta 1.3, I Have experience Administrating others servers, & know pretty much every command to Essentials, Worldedit & Pex.

What is your knowledge level of using different server plug-ins?: I have very good knowledge of group manager & some pex. I had a server myself, and if you want me to learn about any plugin, i will!

How many hours can you provide to the server?: Around 3-4 Hours, Daily.

What time zone do you live in?: GMT, England

Will you be able to handle stressful situations?: yep, such as if a guy said F*CK, I Would Warn him, and Ask him not to swear again, and not to use that kind of language, if he Continued to swear, I would kick him. Also if someone is Spamming, I Would warn them, and tell them to stop, if they continued, I would kick them, and if they still Continued, I Would tempban them for 1 day, and so on.

Will you enforce the rules without being aggressive?: yep, If a player breaks a rule, I will not get angry, I will just simply tell him the rule he broke, and stop it from happening again.

Overall, I am an Experienced, Helpful and kind, Mature Player.

Thanks for your time :D <3!

You sound like a great candidate for our server! A huge recruitment will begin tonight.


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